Hi, I'm

Manuela Stragapede

Senior Advertising Specialist at Bytek
I am a seasoned digital advertiser with over 12 years of experience in digital marketing strategy and advertising. My expertise lies in crafting and executing impactful digital campaigns that yield results driven by a passion for consumer behaviour and emerging technologies. Throughout my career, I've worked with diverse clients across industries, tailoring strategies to meet unique objectives and challenges. As a mentor, I am dedicated to sharing my insights and empowering aspiring digital marketers to excel in this dynamic field.
LinkedIn Profile
My main skills
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Advertising
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Client Relationship Management
Main tools I can use
  • Meta Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Piterest Ads
  • Spotify Ads
  • TikTok Ads
Main strengths
I always express my thoughts in a respectful way towards other people.
Manuela Stragapede
Manuela Stragapede