Hi, I'm

Emanuele Ciccarelli

Coach, Team-Coach, Facilitator & Trainer | Co-founder ARIADNE
I'm a creative-experiential coach, facilitator and trainer dedicated to systemic talent development and creative leadership. My passion is to accompany adventurous souls to discover, develop and express their full potential in an innovative, experiential and transformative way. I believe that any developmental process is a creative process and that human potential is, in its essence, an artistic potential. My background is in art & philosophy. After seven years in HR advisory (PwC & Deloitte), I started my own business as a trainer, coach, and facilitator. In 2021 I co-founded Ariadne a coaching school with a creative-experiential approach. Since 2020, I have been a licensed trainer at Kaospilot.
LinkedIn Profile
My main skills
  • Creative leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Nonviolent communication
Main tools I can use
  • Miro
  • Mural
Main strengths
Inspiring human potential to come alive.
Emanuele Ciccarelli
Emanuele Ciccarelli